Our amazing new logo! Thanks MBC!
You may notice some changes around Dunblobbin.com… We’ve had a revamp!
Given the tough few months we have all endured, it seems only right to give our site a bit of a polish to make it shine and bring a smile to your face. We’ve given things a bit of a spruce, tidied up a few loose ends and added a few new exhibits to our virtual archive. We hope you enjoy it!
But the shining jewel in the crown has to be our fresh new logo, fabulously created by our good friends at Mr Blobby Collection. If you haven’t checked out their site and love a bit of Blobby, head over right away to browse through their extensive collection of Blobby merchandise, fun facts and activities. They also have a rather fantastic Instagram account where it all began.
MBC have cleverly combined the original elements of the Crinkley Bottom logo into our new look, reviving those psychedelic colours and including the real star of the park; Mr Blobby’s House. We are truly grateful to Mr Blobby Collection for their sterling work and hope that our accompanying revamp does it justice!
We are in the process of organising some fantastic Dunblobbin merchandise using our new branding, which lead on nicely to the exciting news that we have our own Dunblobbin Shop! Click on the navigation menu to view what products we have available, and keep an eye out for new and official Dunblobbin merch, hopefully coming soon!
Stay safe and keep on Blobbin’!